Draw a Picture to Feed the Poor - ART of Giving

As the first teachers of our children, it's our responsibility to emphasize virtue as a part of day to day life. Giving and sharing don't just come naturally, they must be taught - both by word and example. Seeing Sarah share a cookie with Lukas didn't just happen - she was told, she saw. When teaching charity to children, however, it's important to look outside the family structure. There's a great big world out there and many, many people are not as fortunate as we. How will your children know this - unless you tell them? How will they be able to do anything about it - unless you present a way? Here, then, is a wonderful opportunity to teach charity with action during this Advent.

The ART of Giving effort is a simple project in which any child can participate. Can your little Rachel draw a simple picture? If so, she has the skills to make a difference - and help feed the poor. I've posted in more detail here. For a general idea of what to do, check out these steps - as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!

1.) Have your child (toddlers through teens) draw a picture of anything they like. The theme could be Advent, giving to the poor, or anything else that inspires them.

2.) Scan or take a photo of their artwork and submit the file (plus name and age) via email to: 

3.) Send an email or letter, make a phone call, visit a relative - and share the link to Cross Catholic Outreach *. There, visitors will be able to see a parade of children's artwork and have the opportunity to donate in honor of their own special little artist/philanthropist.

It's just that simple! This effort is the perfect project for Advent and the spirit of alms giving. Your children will have done something tangible to help others in need and will have fulfilled one of your missions as your family prepares for the Coming of the Lord during Advent. Why not share this idea with your child's school, youth group, or religious education class? This would also be the perfect Advent project for your home educated children - of all ages. Draw a picture to feed the poor and may God bless your efforts!

View a slideshow of the ART of Giving submissions, so far, at Cross Catholic's site or on Flickr. Below are two of our pieces.

Sarah - age 4
Abby - age 7
*Cross Catholic Outreach’s support of the missionary efforts of the Catholic Church is endorsed by U.S. Bishops. They encourage parishes to host Cross priests to speak on behalf of our work. These visits give parishes an opportunity to become involved.

Sample letter to send - just add your names!

Link to a PDF of the letter.

A Parade of Posts for the Poor:

These 8 blogs are hosting the ART of Giving effort. Please visit and comment in appreciation for their efforts!

Sunday, Dec. 1 - Catholic Inspired
Monday, Dec. 2 - Enter Under My Roof
Tuesday, Dec. 3 - Designs By Birgit
Wednesday, Dec.4 - Happy Little Homemaker
Thursday, Dec. 5 - Equipping Catholic Families
Friday, Dec. 6 - Campfires and Cleats
Saturday, Dec. 7 - Do Small Things with Love
Sunday, Dec. 8 - The Catholic Book Blogger

ART of Giving Link-up:
Starting Mon. Dec. 9 till Tues. Dec. 31 you will have the opportunity to add your blog post! If you are a blogger and have posted about your child's art work please join in our ART of Giving Link-up!

Hearts for Home Blog Hop